Our strategy:

We provide a unique level of service that strategically protects our investor's capital while the focus is on the properties acquired. The JETGINC strategy improves Class B and C apartment communities in secondary and emerging markets around the nation. These classes are proven to be highly attractive investment propositions, and history highlights multifamily real estate to be the least volatile asset class through economic declines. At the same time, these classes preserve growth potential during economic ascensions in their respective markets. This is proven to be RECESSION PROOF.

Here's our investment process and a detailed look at our selection criteria and strategy.

Assess the Market
Property Analysis
Due Diligence
Acquisition Raise
Property Acquisition
Value Add (Rehab Treatment)
Asset Management
Exit Strategy

We begin research in Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSA’s) where employment and the economy are expanding.

Within the MSA’s properties become available for sale. Yet we seek the ones aligning with our strategy. Not all properties are meant to be, which is why we analyze them and we do so properly.

Here everything about the property becomes the homework. We check for its history, its operating performance, its neighboring competitors and value adds opportunities. (Just to name some key pointers.)

When the properties numbers make sense, from properties expenses to projected investment returns. the business plan for the property is created. We then invite investors in our network to join us in the venture as we head on to acquire the property with the capital raised.

With the property now in our hands, It’s JETGINC time. (Buckle Up! We Have Takeoff!)

The property makeover takes place. Specific to this property’s need. It could be in-unit remodeling to exterior paints and more.

This ensures the property is performing according to our year-by-year projections. We keep projections conservative. (Important, no over-promising instead there’s over-delivering)

The property’s hold time is usually 3 to 5 yrs. By this time, we’ve forced value appreciation on the property as part of our business plan projections. God is good!

Selection Criteria:

The following info showcases undervalued multifamily properties to acquire, optimize and manage.

The Market (Diligent Exploration)

  • Emerging markets are areas with indications of current and long-term economic growth.
  • Employment opportunities, population increase, universities, close proximity to major metropolitan areas, and essential purchasing needs close by.

The Asset and Value (The Type and Price + Preferred Returns)

  • Multifamily Residential Apartments with 85% + Occupancy (Income Producing)
  • Built in 1980 or Newer, Consisting of 40 Units or More With Value-Add Potential
  • Property Class C to B Within C to A Areas in the $4MM to $25MM Range
  • Cash on Cash: 7%–10%
  • Hold Time - 5 - 10 years depending on its exact business plan

The Value-Add Plays (Cash-Flow increase opportunities)

  • Below Market Rents
  • Vacancies
  • Poor Management Supervision Companies, Self-Mismanagin
  • Maintenance and Curb Appeal Improvement
  • In-Unit Improvements and Renovations

Path of Progress (Areas Where New developments are currently or happening Soon)

  • Surrounding Properties Appreciation Increase
  • New Construction Is Underway Within a Certain Mile Radius
  • Folks Moving Into the Area